How to use stellarium mobile ios
How to use stellarium mobile ios

how to use stellarium mobile ios

The best times to observe the bright galactic center of the Milky Way, in any part of the world, tends to be from about mid-March through mid-October, the “Milky Way Season,” as I and many of my fellow astrophotographers have started calling it. As it turns out, the night sky has seasons. Still today, I receive the occasional email from a reader asking for help with finding the Milky Way or from photographers who have set out on their first excursion in the dark only to find that the bright galactic center, the part of the sky we all expect to see when trying to shoot the Milky Way, was not visible at that particular time of year. It moves across the sky throughout the course of the night and the position of the Milky Way will differ depending on the time of year. One of the most important factors that contributes to the visibility of the Milky Way is the time of observation.

how to use stellarium mobile ios

I remember my first failed attempts at trying to shoot the Milky Way, and I recall one of the most basic and obvious challenges: I didn’t even know where to point my camera. Using either smartphone apps or by memorizing important constellations, you’ll be able to find the Milky Way with or without the use of technology. In this article, I share some of my favorite tools and tips for finding the Milky Way’s galactic plane and more specifically, the bright galactic center. If you want to photograph the Milky Way, the first thing you’ll need to know is how to find it. This interesting artical was written by Ian Norman of Lonely Speck, and is used under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share-Alike 4.0 International License.

How to use stellarium mobile ios